Wheeew! What a week! Okay, where did we last leave off in the Adventures of...me (for as arrogant and ridiculous as that sounds). My last day of work was Friday the 30th and I had a very nice send off. We had ice cream cookie sandwiches and I was touched at the nice comments parents and co-workers had to say. Mark and I had a very nice dinner that night with our upstairs neighbors (yeay Margaritias!!) and set off Saturday for Maine. We went straight to Charlie's Motor Mall in Augusta and a few hours later I drove away in my beautiful brand new car!! I'm so excited...it's so pretty! I had a used Subaru legacy sedan in high school and college, and then my mom's used subaru legacy wagon after I got married...so this was my first brand new car, of my choosing. I loooove the Element! It's so quirky, full of personality as well as being safe and reliable. And it's green! I'll always be able to find it in a parking lot! We drove it up to my parents' house and they both are calling it the "Turtle Van." It does kind of look like a turtle. :) My mom and I have been having fun up here in Camden, giggling over the scrapbook and planning little jaunts to Augusta and Portland and Belfast while I'm here visiting. I'm also going to be visiting some old friends while I'm in town, and starting to look for a job and a house. There are some very pretty houses in Jefferson and China... some even have pools! How awesome would that be! I'll be in Maine until Monday and then it will be back to New Hampshire to register my car and check on the Kitties. I'll try to update once more while I'm here in Maine. After all, Friday is going to be very exciting...Maine Mall shopping and Disney on Ice! I can't wait!!! Until later....
I've been wondering when you'd get that up! You should drive it around Camden in a Yellow Jumpsuit holding a video camera!
I had the post written yesterday, but I needed mom to upload the photos from her camera. I'll get out my yellow jumpsuit if you find your green pants and red bandana...
What happened to orange?
I know, I was supposed to get tangerine, but the more I looked at that one, the more I had doubts about it. I like the color, but your eye tends to skip over the orange in a parking lot. I wanted something different and the green was still different and noticeable, just a bit less quirky than the tangerine. It's a happy medium. I should be home either Sunday or Monday so I'll be sure to honk!
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