What a fantastic experience! I can't believe it took me so long to get back into community theater...I have been happier in the past few months than I have the past few years. I was getting excited about the show as we got closer and closer to opening night, but as soon as I heard that overture, and the hush backstage, and the click click of the curtain sliding across the stage, I felt transformed. All I could think was "there is no place I'd rather be." It was this amazing enlightenment. I've always been a fan of movies, books, any imaginary world that I could immerse myself into and theater is the way to bring that to my ordinary little life. I can't get enough...Dancing with the Stars, romance novels, singing full blast to the radio in the car (or while washing dishes), watching old black and white movies featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers...I crave all of it and getting back into theater is the perfect outlet for my insanity (otherwise my husband may end up shipping me off to the sanitarium!).
Guys and Dolls went really well. We got standing ovations each night, and almost sold out each night, including the unheard of mid-week shows. Plus, we sold out a Sunday matinee! That's making community theater history....record-breaking! The audience said they loved it, the news critics said they loved it, and everyone involved in the cast had a wonderful time...both onstage and off. I gained many new friends, including a long lost sister ;) and a great co-star. Sky and Sarah certainly had chemistry (and a fondness for airports :D which still makes me laugh). Plus, to be back with Nan again, singing "Marry the Man" was pure awesomeness! I can't wait for the next production to come along. I don't even care what it will be, I know I'll be involved. Now there's just that pesky problem of my night job....
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