Man, what a crazy few days! After getting the new car (which I still can't believe), a totally new hairstyle (you'll all be so surprised :) it's very different), an awesome trip with mom to Disney on Ice (they had fireworks inside!!!), and a very filling Easter dinner (thanks Dad), I returned to New Hampshire to register the car. However, my title has apparently gotten lost in the Bermuda triangle of mail. I knew I had to be on the road again on Sunday and really needed to get it registered this week before leaving, plus the temp plates ran out today, but no title means no registration. Several terse calls and frustrated fist-shaking later, and they have guaranteed me overnight delivery on extended plates so that I can register it later. Grr. We have this next week packed with house showings in Maine since Mark has the week off from the hospital. I pulled images of just 5 so that you all can vote on your favorite! (Just scroll down the blog) Not that I was very helpful and included interiors, but let there be some surprise when people come to visit ;) It feels very surreal to be thinking about buying a house...I feel very grown up all of a sudden. New car, new job, new hair, new house...who knows, maybe we'll even get a place with a shed, and have to put lawn tools in it...then we'd really be adults! I'm learning that shopping for a house is a very exciting, anxiety-ridden process. And we're trying to cram everything in during one week. And get everything set up for June. Yikes. I find myself pacing the floors here in our apartment, while Mark is in Maine, living in a dorm room with no phone, pacing his floors. We've been coordinating with each other over email (with my cranky computer) and a borrowed phone to pick out a list of places we like (and we all know what similar tastes we both have...ha!) and when to schedule times with various Realtors. It reminds me of all the coordinating and calls and craziness we did to get our wedding together. Only we can't elope with a house. But as stressful as it can be, I'm so excited to be doing it. We're going to be closer to family and friends and we'll both have jobs we really love. I've turned in my application for a very cool job, my dream job actually, and am keeping my fingers crossed. I'm not sure how it will turn out, but I'm staying positive.
As for other exciting things, let's see....I saw TMNT and was really impressed. The animation was incredible (especially the fight in the rain), the story stayed true to the characters and their history, and the music was very well done. I'm such a fan of movie music (I seriously want a soundtrack to my own life!) and I loved Klaus Badelt's latest achievement (and we all know he rocks...he composed for Pirates of the Caribbean!)
I had an awesome dinner and a movie with the upstairs neighbors. We watched Happy Feet, and let me tell somethin' to was very funny. I enjoy anything with Robin Williams. He is so funny..."it makes my tummy hurt, I have to pee!"
I've also gotten a lot accomplished in terms of cleaning. Who knew I had so many random papers and crap in my file cabinet. I don't need to cart this stuff to Maine...It's going to be so much worse when I get to Mark's office... ;)
So, I'll leave you with the reminder to Vote! And Vote often! As of right now we haven't seen any of these house in person, only online pictures. I do have a favorite, see if you can guess...but I'm keeping an open mind because it's a whole different story once you're walking around, seeing it up close. Who knows, maybe I'll be on top of things an actually post an update after we look at them next week! :) Hear the beat of the drums, and the blazing fire...the hunt is on...for a house!
Help us House Hunt!! Vote now on your favorite!
#1 Modern with a porch
#2 It has a pool!
#3 Old fashioned charm
#4 Quiet little house

#5 Brand New House!
I vote for the one in Jefferson.
Thank you! Your vote is the one that counts!
Now that's not fair...EVERY vote counts!
Actually, ultimately, it will be our two votes that count...technically...
Well THAT'S just great. Why would people vote now? Your shadow democracy has been exposed as the totalitarian despotism it is!
Help help! I'm being opressed!
Actually, I'm not being opressed...everyone else is.
Carry on.
Remember, vote early and often!
Oh ho! For that I will take away the power of your vote, minion. That will teach you to speak to authority that way! How dare you claim outrage to my regime! Don't make me call for the shackles...Hmm, come to think of it, shackles might not be all bad ;)
Everyone else, just keep on voting...
As for you, political upstart, I will need to speak to you in my chambers....
Nice try William Wallace...but I don't think the people are going to sacrifice themselves to your bloody revolution over a house vote. Try winning the people over with something a little less violent. And cake. Let them eat cake, I say. Come visit us in our new house and we shall eat cake!
Did somebody say cake?
Although I get that the 2 of you get the final is neat that you are at least reading our reactions to the houses you've posted. It is SO FUN to go house hunting. Stressful, but fun.
House #1 is sort of odd looking.
House 2: looks interesting but I would need more info to make it #1.
House 3: I am a sucker for old looking houses (farmhouses, colonials, victorians, etc.) So...alas...this one is the one I think is the COOLEST and HUGE. My vote for #1
House 4: Is almost a tie with house 3. But just by going on the outside...I would pick house 3.
House 5: More Alan's taste and not mine. But does look neat. (hate to say it but his tastes start to grown on me...a TINY bit)
Those are my 2 cents. Thanks for posting pics. It is fun to get to see the various types of houses out there. GOOD LUCK and Congrats on the search for your 1st home!
Lee, you read my mind! House number 3 has a very old fashioned charm that speaks to me. We go to look at it tomorrow...hopefully it will look as good in person as it does on paper. As for house #2, we saw that today and so far it's the one we like the most. And there are several more that we'll look at on Thursday. It is stressful and fun and stressful and exciting and stressful. Did I mention it was stressful?
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