Ahh, the holidays. We had a nice but different Christmas this year. Mr. MCMD was on call so we had Christmas morning in the afternoon. New Year's was nice and low-key...christmas carols and playing games at Bogland :) So far, I'm trying to stick to my resolution of eating healthier. We are also talking about investing in an elliptical machine so we can do cardio work-outs at home. I'm tired of sitting on my butt watching CSI. I'd much rather watch CSI while burning calories! Let's see, what else has been happening....my job at the high school is going well. Adult Ed. classes start in a couple of weeks so it's about to get really busy, but I'm excited to meet all the new students and instructors. Me and the mister are also excited about our upcoming vacation to Florida to see his parents. We look forward to the trip every year, not just to see our family, but to soak up some sun during the icky winter. (As I'm typing this, the snow is just piling up...it's been snowing since 8 this morning.)

So, until next time, I'll leave you with this picture of Jack, a bit strung out from the holidays. In their stockings, the boys got a laser pointer, bags and bags of treats, and enough cat nip to keep them high until next winter.
They don't really look all that happy to be wearing those headbands. Did you have to pay for that later?
I'm so jealous of you getting to go some place warm! I will say this, though: I have loved having all this snow this winter. But I'm also feeling the need to put a piece of cardio equipment in our home. It's hard to go for a walk when there are four inches of snow on the sidewalk on top of two inches of ice.
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